Now before you think "wow, she's a little (or a lot) conceited", read this in it's entirety.

My brother, Beck Payne, preached a series titled  "All In."  One Sunday he described a poverty stricken area in our local community.  He talked about his childhood and how wonderful it was but how it could have been so different.  We don't get to choose what family we are born into.  We don't get to choose if we will grow up with a mom and dad...or even if we will actually have a mom and dad present in our lives.  Some are born into broken homes...some are even left behind at the hospital to be raised by someone else.  Some don't even get the choice to LIVE.  None of us chose our family.  I am blessed beyond words that I was born into the Payne family.  I take pride in my name and always will.  My Granddaddy Payne truly was a legend.  The life he lived made a huge impact on so many and the life he lived still impacts numerous people to this day.  My dad was also a legend.  I hear story after story about his coaching days.  I can't count the times I've heard the words "you're dad was a legend."  I can't type those words without tears falling from my eyes because I have seen first hand the lives my dad impacted...because... I am one of those lives that was greatly impacted, forever.  Yes, he was my dad but he was a LEGEND in my eyes and always will be.  I can only keep moving forward and make every moment count as he did.  So you see...I WAS born a legend... or at least I can keep telling myself that. 

But spiritually speaking, we were born to do great and mighty things no matter what we were born into.  No matter how we were raised...no matter if we were rich or poor.  No matter if we had both parents or no parents.  You could be son or daughter of an addict, but that doesn't make you one.  We were set apart the day we were brought into this world. (Jeremiah 1:5)

No matter how bleak the situation you are in seems...don't let it keep you down.  Don't be afraid to make baby steps because eventually those steps will be gigantic leaps.  You never know what you are capable of until you step out of your comfort zone.  Don't let fear keep you from accomplishing your dreams.  Never give up because someone says you'll never amount to anything. 

Each and every life matters and each and every person can do remarkable things that can impact generations to come.  Are you going to sit on the sidelines and let others pass you by?  Are you going to use your upbringing as an excuse as to why you will never be great?  Or will you prove the world wrong?  Prove statistics wrong that you don't have to be a product of your upbringing.  You can do great things because HE has called you to do great things.

He can and will make beauty from ashes...

I was born a legend...but so were YOU!!!
