Just Go Home


I am a sales rep.  I have been in sales my entire life and being told "no" just doesn't phase me anymore.   It's part of being a sales person and it's part of life. You don't always get the answers you want.  Your days don't always end on the mountain top.  But, there are days you go home a rock star.  Then, there are those days that seem to have one road block after another road block.  Ever had those days? 

One day, I was trying to get to a clinic located downtown in Monroe, Louisiana. I ran into four roadblocks before getting to my destination.  The last one I came upon, I thought to myself, "You've got to be kidding me.  Just go home."  At this point, I had to chuckle and think that it must be a sign to quit for the day.  It was pointless going anywhere else because obviously it wasn't meant for me to get anywhere this particular day.  But I didn't. I didn't quit. I kept going. Despite the roadblocks that I faced, I knew that I had a job to do and complete. 

I believe that we all have days like I mentioned above.  We may not literally run into a roadblock while driving but life can throw us curveballs every now and then.  They can come at once or over a period of time.  Maybe you have reached a point in life where you feel like quitting.  You aren't getting anywhere so you just want to throw your hands up and quit.  It seems that no matter what road you choose to travel, you hit a roadblock.  Have you ever experienced this?  I know I have on many occasions.  It can be exhausting. Overwhelming.  Almost too much to bear.  So do you quit or do you keep going? 

Did you ever think that these roadblocks could be there for a reason? The ones I stumbled upon were there to protect me. One was blocking a huge hole in the middle of the road that would have swallowed my truck whole, with me inside of it.  One roadblock was set up because water was steadily flowing over the road and it wasn't safe for vehicles to travel across.  It was irritating.  It was inconvenient.  But they were necessary.  There was even a roadblock that I came upon that required me to turn around and travel back down the same road that brought me there. Talk about frustrating.  Have you ever had to revisit a similar situation in life? A road you had already traveled but for some reason, you had to go back down the same road? Maybe it was to learn a thing or two.  Maybe it's because we chose the wrong road and we needed to get back on track. 

Life isn't easy.  Sometimes we may think life isn't fair. Some may seem to have it better than others.  Maybe you are at the point in life that if one more roadblock occurs, you will throw your hands up and quit.  But next time you run into a roadblock literally or in life, remind yourself that it may be necessary.  It could be protecting you from something that could hurt you or someone else.  It could be there to detour you to a road that's better than you could ever imagine.  It may not be your plan but perhaps it's what's best for you. 

So don't give up. Don't quit. Keep going.  
