Recently we added a four-legged animal to our family. A miniature pot-belly pig. Why on earth did I get a PIG? We already have a Chihuahua and a cat but they have been adopted by my mom, and not by my choice. I felt as if I would be betraying my little dog if I got another I opted for a pig! I watch though as my little five year old laughs and runs around with our pig, Marco. He is head over heels for this little pig that is no bigger than his foot. I'm sure there will be many sleepless nights as this three week old pig squeals and grunts all during the night. I'm sure there will be many mishaps on the carpet. I'm sure there will be times that I question my sanity. But, I can hear my son telling stories when he is older that begin with...when I was a little boy. He will go on and on about memories he and his pig shared. It also reminded me about my dad's articles he wrote about his animals he remembered when he was a little boy. But the stories I want to hear my little boy tell involve me. I want my little boy to be able to share with others that when he was little, he remembers his mommy reading her Bible in her red rocking chair. When I was a little boy, I remember my mom always prayed with me. When I was a little boy, I remember how my mom lived what she preached. When I was a little boy, my mom believed in me. I want him to remember what's important. I want him to remember the fun times but most of all, I want him to remember the times that matter for eternity.
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