Over 8 years ago, I was read my rights. Yes, you read that right. I had the right to remain silent...But I didn't remain silent. I wasn't read my rights by a policeman but I was read my rights by a game warden. In some cases, this could actually end up worse in the long run. I was accused of a crime that I didn't commit. There had been no crime at all but it seemed that gossip and hear-say spread like wildfire until it came down to the game warden questioning me and a few others. I asked the game warden where was the evidence? The crime I had been accused of was killing a deer, at night. But...there was no deer. There were no pictures. There was no ammunition. There was no gun. There were no horns. There was absolutely nothing to prove I did anything wrong. I didn't know that you could be accused of something without having any evidence against you. I am now able to joke about being read my rights, but at the time, I was a little irritated because of hear-say.
Have you ever been accused of something you didn't do? Have you ever been accused of being someone your not? What if it were reversed though? What if someone had evidence to prove you weren't the person you said you were? Everything you say claims that you are one person, but your actions prove otherwise. It's so prevalent today with social media being at our fingertips at any given moment. We can talk about how great life is and how much good we do. We can post pictures all day long about motivational quotes, scriptures, positive words, our family, etc., but live a completely different lifestyle. Your marriage can be perfect. You have the best husband or the best wife. Your kids can be perfect. You can be perfect. Life can be perfect. But what if someone had evidence that your marriage wasn't prefect, your kids weren't perfect and you weren't perfect. They know what goes on behind the walls of your home. They know what you do on the weekends. They know about the skeletons in your closet that you claim to not have. Why is it that so many claim to be someone they aren't? What is so hard about living up to the person we claim to be? Life is not easy but it's a lot easier to live a life of honesty. I'd rather see someone claim their faults than pretend to be someone they aren't. The older I get, the more I see this happening. The sad part, it's not the kids that are pretending to be someone they aren't, it's the adults. We don't have to air our faults but we do need to live up to the person we claim to be.
Would someone have enough evidence to prove you are the person that you claim to be? Do you walk the talk? I encourage you as you go through the day, put actions behind your words.
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