It's amazing how quickly things can pile up. Anything and all things!
I was cleaning out my car as I pumped gas the other day and looked around to find dirt and trash all over it. It didn't get like that overnight but gradually. I would open a snack and put the trash in my car door. Getting in and out of my car all day long makes more dust over the dash board and more dirt on the floor board.
It WAS spotless... But over time... It has become a little less clean. Instead of cleaning it out daily, I let it pile up until it was overflowing and couldn't hold one more piece of trash. (I know that's surprising that I allow that in my car) So I took the time to clean the clutter.
This happens in our lives. Slowly "clutter" begins to fill our minds and our daily routine. We may not notice it the first few days or even weeks but soon you will look around and wonder how things got to that point. It could be the music you listen to, the friends you surround yourself with, forgetting to read your Bible one day, missing church one Sunday, the words you allow to be spoken over you... Until all of the above begins to create an environment that's not healthy for you. So you will stop and "clean-up" so that you can start fresh.
But if we would just remind ourselves daily "garbage in - garbage out" then we may not have to keep starting over. If we would remember that time can allow things to better our lives or make them full of "clutter". Daily we need to "examine" our lives and see what we need to "throw out" at the end of the day.
Be careful what you allow in your life... Be careful what you allow in the life of your child! Don't let "clutter" take over it but instead keep it fresh... Keep it clean! Daily!
I was cleaning out my car as I pumped gas the other day and looked around to find dirt and trash all over it. It didn't get like that overnight but gradually. I would open a snack and put the trash in my car door. Getting in and out of my car all day long makes more dust over the dash board and more dirt on the floor board.
It WAS spotless... But over time... It has become a little less clean. Instead of cleaning it out daily, I let it pile up until it was overflowing and couldn't hold one more piece of trash. (I know that's surprising that I allow that in my car) So I took the time to clean the clutter.
This happens in our lives. Slowly "clutter" begins to fill our minds and our daily routine. We may not notice it the first few days or even weeks but soon you will look around and wonder how things got to that point. It could be the music you listen to, the friends you surround yourself with, forgetting to read your Bible one day, missing church one Sunday, the words you allow to be spoken over you... Until all of the above begins to create an environment that's not healthy for you. So you will stop and "clean-up" so that you can start fresh.
But if we would just remind ourselves daily "garbage in - garbage out" then we may not have to keep starting over. If we would remember that time can allow things to better our lives or make them full of "clutter". Daily we need to "examine" our lives and see what we need to "throw out" at the end of the day.
Be careful what you allow in your life... Be careful what you allow in the life of your child! Don't let "clutter" take over it but instead keep it fresh... Keep it clean! Daily!
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