Do what? I know most of you are confused with this statement. All you ever see is me with my son in and day out. We are inseparable...attached at the hip. So what do you mean he's not an only child? You have more kids?
No, I have not birthed more than one child and that is my precious Kendall Beck. But I was introduced to 3 other kids prior to Kendall's arrival in March of 2008.
There is always more to my story (and still a LOT more)... more than I have shared but God has placed it on my heart to keep sharing. Don't stop. Become and open book because my journey is my testimony. And I should protect my testimony because the enemy does not want me to share it.
There is more than meets the eye. Perhaps when you get to know someone more than a surface relationship or friendship... you learn more about them...about their journey and you learn not to judge a book by it's cover. You learn their heart and what makes their heart beat. Pictured below are pieces of my heart...
Kendall has an older brother.
Meet Brody.
Kendall loves this boy and knows this is his brother. He doesn't quite understand but he knows he's more than a friend. Although Kendall isn't too much younger, he still looks up to his "big" brother. He plays with him as a best friend and that's just what he is...a built-in best friend. They have the blessing of being best friends rather than fighting like brothers normally would. Their "friendship" is like no other. We find the good...we look for the silver lining. Both of these boys radically changed my life. (which is more of my testimony) And I thank God for both of them. I thank God for allowing me to be a part of their lives.
Kendall has two older sisters.
Meet Kennedy and Madison.
Are they not the prettiest girls ever? How lucky is Kendall to have these two amazing sisters? One thing we do not mention in our home is the word "half". We don't think of Kendall's siblings as "half". They complete him. They are his sisters and brother. They are FAMILY. We are FAMILY. I love looking back and seeing the scripture unfold before my eyes...Romans 8:28 says that God will work things out for HIS good for those that LOVE God. What an eventful 6 years it has been but God has kept HIS hand over Kendall and these amazing kids. He has provided a support group and with each new day...we all take baby steps and move forward. Together.
I know God has plans beyond anything I could ever dream for each of these kids. I have watched these girls walk by faith under some very difficult times. They are human but they live BOLD! I have recently seen the heart of Kendall and Brody as they both sang praises to our Savior and hearing them sing brought tears to my eyes. My heart is FULL! My cup is FULL. I am BLESSED! Kendall Beck is BLESSED!
Our story is not over but it is unfolding day by day and I know that God is going to use my testimony and the testimony of HIS children.
Thank you Brody, Kennedy and Madison for loving my baby boy!
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