After posting 59 posts since last August, I have learned that people like topics that are personal. Some may read it for "gossip" but others read it as an inspiration. For those that have been a constant encourager for me over the past year, thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
This blog started as a promise to my dad, who was dying before my eyes. My # 1 fan. My biggest cheerleader, ever. My rock. He is the reason I continue to write. I'm not the best at putting my thoughts into words but I do have a story. Looking back on all my most read topics are those that are personal. Real life stories. I hope that those who sincerely want to know me and my story find that no matter where you have been, God still has great things in store for you. Our past is nothing compared to our future He has planned. My dreams are nothing compared to HIS dreams.
When I talk about my is just that... MY story. God "allowed" things in my life because of my choices. We are each given free will and we can either do good...or we can do bad. I have made some bad choices in life but thank God...He kept His hand on me as I traveled a very dark road. Thank God that He kept His hand on my son. I don't ever want to play the "why me God" game because He didn't put any of this on me. And when I look back at my life, I see the hand of God during times that could have literally been the death of me...or even Kendall Beck. (or perhaps some of you reading this) Side note: Yes, there are some things that were beyond my control but I will never blame or question God for anything I walk through.
Though my dad's death was out of my control...God made good of something that could have sucked the very life out of me. (Romans 8:28) But, He reminded me of the brevity of life. He reminded me to do "good" while I still can. He reminded me to always help someone in need. He reminded me that one life can make a difference. I don't always have the happy smile that I should but I do have JOY that no one can take from me. JOY was given to me over the past year because I sought after the only ONE who could fill the emptiness that was inside of me.
Circumstances that happened over the past 8 + years were not God dealing me a bad hand. They were "Laurie's choices" dealing myself a bad hand. But God, yes God, remained faithful and for that I am so thankful. Because of His faithfulness, I can share my story of redemption. I hear people say "God will never place more on you than you can bear" and it makes my skin crawl. Just because you are having hard times, doesn't mean that God put them on you. We are human and because of that...we are allowed to make choices and for every choice we make...there is a consequence. So don't think God is testing your strength...sometimes we are pushing ourselves to the cliff and if we aren't careful...the next step just may push us into a valley we may never be able to climb out of. Or it may lead us on a journey that will take the rest of our lives to overcome.
God is good...I'm thankful that He has opened my eyes to allow others into the depths of my heart. My story is precious to me and my testimony is something I will protect from this day forward. Will I make mistakes...certainly...will I stumble...certainly...but I take steps forward every single day...sometimes I go backwards...but I'll continue to make those baby steps daily until I reach my prize.
So my dad was right, I have a story to share...and people have encouraged me so much throughout this journey to continue sharing it.
May God bless you ALL!!
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