Last week, my co-worker and I hosted a bingo at a local nursing home. My co-worker was calling out the numbers one by one. She called, "I-19." I heard an elderly man quickly respond, "I wish". I couldn't help but giggle when he said those words but it quickly got me thinking.
When we were younger, we could not wait until we got older. I struggle with my 6 year old son telling me all the time, "I wish I was older" or "I can't wait until I'm a grown-up." I try my best to explain to him that he should enjoy being a little boy. He should enjoy having no worries. He should enjoy the fact that he does not have to work and can depend on me to take care of his every single need. Why is it that we can't wait until Friday's as if the days in between do not matter. We simply wish our lives away until we are older and realize how fleeting life really is. It's gone in the blink of an eye. I am 33 years old and I have never seen the lives of elderly like I do today. Something changed my thinking the day my 69 year old dad passed away. I realized that 69 is not old. At all. I also realized that 32 years old was very young to be without a father. Numbers changed. When I was a little girl, I thought 20 was old...then 30, then 40, then 50...but none of those ages are old. I view the elderly so differently now. My heart is drawn to them. I want to know their story. At times, I grieve because I'll never see my dad grow old. I look at "old people" and they are like innocent babies. It's as if they grow up and become child like again. They don't care what others think. They know what life is all about. They know that any day could be their last. They appreciate life for what it is. They understand that life isn't fair but yet they still smile. Now, not everyone you come in contact with will greet you with a smile...but I bet if you listened long enough, they would have so much wisdom about life. We can learn from kids...but we can also learn from the older generation.
What are we doing with the "I 19's" of our lives? I'm sure the elderly man would love to just rewind his life back 10 years ago... Why can't we realize what is right before our very eyes? Why do we wish for the days to pass quicker? Why do I hear parents saying things like "I can't wait until they are out of diapers...I can't wait until I don't have to bathe them...I can't wait until they can drive...I can't wait until..." Why do we long for the weekends rather than enjoy each and every day we are blessed with because they will too soon be gone.
Live!! Live!! Live life!! Love those around you. Watch closely to those that have lived many years before you...they will teach us all a thing or two. I-19...don't wish this on your life years from now. Live your life so that when you are older...when you are playing bingo and you hear the words I-19...You can think to yourself...I'm thankful that I lived my life to the fullest when I was 19 rather than wishing you were 19 again.
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