Let's face it...as we get older...our memory gets worse. I do believe mine started deteriorating when I was in college after someone ran a stop sign and spun me around until hitting a curve to stop me. I could literally hear my "brain" moving around. I saw my life flash before my eyes...and I think that's where my memories stayed. At least that is the excuse I use as to why I cannot remember much at all.
But one thing I do remember...memories that involved all of my animals. Growing up, we had numerous animals. How many remember Dr. T? He was a Guinea pig from First Baptist Church that you got to bring home if you read so many library books each week. Apparently Beck and I were reading machines back in the day. (that must have stayed there too) When I was a little girl, I would swing from my white iron bed in my room and kick my legs as high as I could. Well, one day, that didn't end so well. Mr. T's cage just happen to be a wee bit close to my feet and I shattered the cage. I actually think there may have been another Guinea pig in that cage too. One for me and one for Beck. Like I said, reading machines. Let's all be glad our churches don't do that anymore.
I remember Baskin, our beagle. I still have a scar on my leg from when he bit me when he was a puppy while we were playing chase along the side of our house. He was a roamer...never stayed at our house much.
Xavier, he is the reason I LOVE bulldogs. He left us with the most memories. He was a graduation gift for my oldest brother. He was also left behind for me and Beck to enjoy. (Thanks Bub) He had gas issues. A LOT! And at the most embarrassing moments. One evening, Brother David Uth was at our house for a birthday dinner. During the prayer, ole Xavier decides to show his "talent". How humiliating was that for my parents? I'm sure I just laughed as any good, proper daughter would do.
Xavier was also scared to death of the gate we used to keep him in the entrance near our carport door. We would torture him with that gate. We would put a bone on the gate and lay the gate on the floor so he would have to crawl on the gate, very quickly, to get the bone. We would also use that gate to make him obey...just touch it...and he would do anything you said.
I also have a scar from Xavier on my hamstring from his Jim Carey tooth. He bit a tire (smart dog as well) while a car was driving down the road and it cracked his tooth...which made it very sharp...obviously. Our bulldog was easily confused...we would pretend that my brother(s) were hurting me and instead of Xavier attacking them...he would attack the victim. Well, we thought that was funny...until someone got hurt...which was me. I lucked up and got the scar.
We had around 20 hamsters...Sparky 1 (he lived the longest...) Sparky 2...Sparky 3...Sparky 4...Sparky 5... Sparky 6...seriously...I don't know when it stopped...but we had a time with all of our hamsters escaping their cages. We would have to set traps out at night to find them.
There was the pesky dog that one of my brother's girlfriends got him for Christmas. I believe we named the dog after the girlfriend...Chrissy. Let's just say neither stayed long at the Payne household.
Then there was my Daisy...For one of my birthdays...I told my dad I wanted a go-cart or a poodle. He knew I was a dare devil so he chose the poodle. She was the sweetest dog ever. I got her in junior high and she died after I graduated college. Needless to say, we went through it all together. The day she died, I cried and cried and cried. I'm thankful that my boss at the time (how I miss you Lee Fletcher) knew how much my dog meant to me. I missed 2 days of work... TWO...PAID days.
I said I would never get another animal because I had no idea how much heartache an animal could cause. But, a few years later...I found myself alone in Baton Rouge and that's when Axel came along. He has also been through it all with me...poor pup. He went from living in Baton Rouge...to a small room at my brother's to good ole Rocky Branch. (and now at my parents) Boy he loved it in the country. One day, I was 9 months pregnant, he decided to run down the longest dirt road. At that time, he did not obey...so I ran after this dog...for miles until he finally stopped. I was livid!!! Soon after that, he was trained and he is now the best dog in the world.
Which leads us to our current situation, Marco and Polo. My miniature pot belly pig and our newest addition, a kitten. These two have a relationship like I have never seen. I watch my little boy interact with these animals. I watch him giggle...I watch him laugh until he cries... I watch him sit on the couch for hours holding Polo (the kitten). I watch him attempt to ride the pig. And all I can think about is how these will soon be memories to him. But they will be good memories... He will be able to reflect on life at home when he is older. He will be able to smile and share stories with his children about his childhood. It makes me happy to watch "life" happen in our home. Is it normal? By all means, NO! Is it priceless...I would say so!
What are your greatest memories with your pets growing up? What were some "odd" animals you had growing up? I bet some of you reading this remember the pets mentioned above!
It's never dull around our house for sure...our animals make it more fun each and every day!
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