My memory isn't the greatest. I don't rememver too much about my childhood... I actually don't remember what I did about an hour ago. But there are a few memories that stand out from my childhood and the snow this past week brought one of them back.
I do not remember much at all about "snow days" as a child. I do not remember making a snowman... I do not remember having snow ball fights... I just don't remember much... BUT... I remember a small little hill at our neighbors house that surrounded a few trees. My brother Beck and I (not sure where my Bubba was at the time) would take my dad's State Representative campaign signs and slide down the hill. I do not remember when he ran for this position... but I remember putting those signs to good use after all was said and done. I am sure we had fun... I am sure there were plenty of smiles and laughter for my parents to enjoy as they watched their children enjoy Mother Nature.
I tried to explain to my 6 year old that he will one day look back at this week and remember making a snowman ... or riding around in a Purina bucket... or maybe throwing snowballs... He could possibly remember sliding down the hills on a knee board... I'm not sure what memory he will take from this past week but I do know memories were made. Sometging about snow is magical... It's something we seldom see so it stands out perhaps more than other childhood memories.
I am grateful for the one snow day... I am thankful that I was able to watch my child stick his tongue out trying to catch a snow flake. I will remember these past few days for the rest of my life... and I hope that my son will take away more ️memories than I did as a child sliding down hills with my dads campaign sign.
Make moments matter!!!
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