When Do We Lose Our Innocence

When do we lose our innocence or our confidence that we had when we were barely able to speak in complete sentences? 

Have you noticed that kids can do it all?  I was reading with my son about dinosaurs one night.  It had a picture of a large brontosaurus and under the image, it asked the question, "Can you draw this"?  Without any hesitation, my son said, "Yeah, I can draw that" and quickly turned the page. Without any more thought. He was confident that he could draw this very detailed dinosaur.  I chuckled to myself as I thought about all the things my child has said he could do. He has mentioned to me before if a bad guy ever broke into our home, he would punch them in the face. A 6 year old, bringing down a full grown male.  No questions. He would just make it happen. He believed he could in his innocent mind.  His mind that hasn't been corrupt to the things of the world. To the negativeness that people will speak over him at some point in life.  Someone will say he can't when he thinks he can. Someone will say something is not possible when he knows it is possible. 

Go back to your child's toddler years or even younger.  When they realized they could walk on their own without holding your hand. They would say "I do it" and it would break your heart. They were becoming more independent each day.  Maybe you cooked with your children and they wanted to help.  You knew it would be a disaster when they wanted to pour the flour in the bowl.   They would look at you with those big brown eyes and say "I do it".  You had no choice but to let them attempt something they had never done.  Even if you knew your kitchen would soon be white as snow.  They may fail but they wanted to try. No one was telling them they couldn't do it so they believed they could.

Why do we allow the world around us to put so much pressure on us? We believe the world over our own opinion. When we know we can do something... The world tells us no, we can't. So we never attempt it.  We dream big... But the world says it'll never happen. 

Let's go back to our innocence and confidence we had as children and make it happen. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something. Believe in yourself even when no one else may. Say to yourself, "I do it" and just do it! 
