You Done Brought One Of Them Here

Chains.  The sound of chains dragging the ground make my stomach churn.  My heart begins to beat 90 miles per hour.  I hold back tears as they fill my eyes.  Why?  Because it hits home.  It is reality whether or not I choose to accept it or try and pretend differently.  So when I hear the sound of chains shuffling, it does something inside of me.

I was sitting on a bench earlier this week at a clinic waiting on a doctor to come out of a patient's room.  I was gathering my thoughts about what home health service I was going to present this doctor with so that I could walk away with a referral. I was focused on work.  As I was waiting patiently or impatiently waiting, a door opened.  There it was.  A noise or sound that most would choose to ignore or not pay much attention to.  It's like a child hearing bells when he or she thinks Santa is flying over their house when everyone else in the house hears silence.  Maybe that's a bad analogy because this sound most certainly doesn't bring me joy.  It brings pain.  Deep pain.

Not long after I heard the sound, came the most awful words out of the nurse's mouth.  "You done brought one of them here?"  Well, first, she obviously wasn't the most intelligent because her English wasn't up to par.  Second, how dare her.  "One of them."  Please explain this to me.  I understand that there are some mean, cruel people in this world.  Believe me, I know.  We have witnessed that in Charleston this past week.  But this young man came walking by and tears filled my eyes again. I was filled with compassion.  I wanted to know his story.  What got him where he was today?  His face was empty.  His eyes were desperate.  He walked with his head down and eyes on the ground. Now, the reason his eyes were so focused on the ground could be because of the chains on his ankles.  Nevertheless, he was trying to keep his balance and not trip.  But, it could be because he had been "beaten" by others.  Their words.  Maybe he was told that he would never amount to anything.  Perhaps he was told that he was a waste or better off not here.  I have heard these words spoken before.  Not about me but to me about others and it crushes my spirit to the core.

We are living in a dark, dark world.  I was living in a dark, dark world.  One day, I will share more of my story.  Parts of my story that could have had me in chains.  Chapters of my story that could have ended with me being 6 feet in the ground or perhaps someone I loved or didn't even know at all.  These chapters were my choices, not the choices of someone else.  But my foolish decisions.  We all make them but most of us keep those chapters hidden away in a closet hoping that no one will ever discover them.  I share my story because I want others to know there is hope.  There is hope no matter where you are or what you have done.

I am so thankful for His mercy that kept me alive.  I am thankful for His hand that reached down and took hold of me.  Mercy came running to me.  His grace saved a wretch like me.  I once was lost but now I am found.  I was blind but now I see.  I see things from a completely different perspective.  I see things for eternal purposes.  I try to see others as Christ saw me.  Lost.  Afraid.  Beaten.  Bruised.  Suffocated.  Lonely.

I could have easily been "one of them" but thank God, I am here today.  Thank God I can share this with you whether it's something to be proud of or not. 

Some of you reading this are in chains whether you realize it or not.  Fear could have you so paralyzed that you can't place one foot in front of the other.  You may worry so much about tomorrow that you can't even think straight because your mind stays in a fog.  You may be bound by chains of addiction but I know a mighty God who can break you from those chains.  He can free you but you must surrender. 

I pray before the words "one of them" ever comes out of our mouths, we learn someone's story and show compassion.  Words can be life or words can be death.  Think before you speak.     
