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100 Thursdays I have thought about my dad
100 Thursdays I have wanted to quit
100 Thursdays I have remained persistent
100 Thursdays I have been consistent
100 posts that are the result of a promise
100 Thursdays that I have shared my heart
100 Thursdays that I know I make my daddy smile
100 Thursdays that someone sends me an encouraging word
100 Thursdays I think about how long my dad wrote from his heart
100 Thursdays I share more and more about my story
100 Thursdays I have wanted to give up
100 Thursdays where I have told myself I don't have the time
100 Thursdays I have told myself it doesn't even matter to anyone
100 Thursdays seem like an eternity
100 Thursdays ago I began a journey that has taken me to places I never knew it would take me
100 Thursdays I could hear my dad telling me, "Laurie, I am proud of you."
100 Thursdays... 100 posts...
It may not seem significant to most but reaching 100 posts is a sign. A sign that I can do anything I set my mind to. A sign that with passion, you can do anything. There is reason behind my blog and that reason is my dad. Each Thursday I feel I keep him alive by sharing what he always told me to share. My story. My heart. My life.
When you get tired, don't give up. When you feel as if whatever it is you are doing doesn't matter, don't give up. When it seems the road you are on is a dead end road, don't give up. When you think no one is watching, don't give up. When you feel no one cares, don't give up. When you feel like you aren't making a difference, don't give up.
Dream. Believe. Don't give up!!
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