Down and Dirty
Moms with boys. Dads with boys. Anyone with boys. You can all relate to the fact that boys love to get dirty. They love to explore. They love to be outdoors. I absolutely love being a mom to a little boy. I love doing all of the above with him. I may enjoy more than he does.
As summer was winding down, we went and spent a day in the woods. At first he wasn't too excited because he wanted to play his electronics! I big NO! As soon as he found dirt, he was all smiles! He was dirty as soon as he found a tool to help him dig. To help him discover what lies beneath all the dirt and rocks. Sweat was pouring down his golden locks onto his face and right into the dirt. I don't think he knew it was 100 degrees outside. He was in his element and didn't seem to care one bit.
These moments won't last long. I didn't want summer to end and school to begin. I was probably a little sadder than he was because I love time with my boy.
These are the moments I remember from my childhood. We had electronics but I don't remember many ️memories with them. Except the running man on Nintendo. Do you remember that game? You would run in place as fast as you could, then jump off as you competed in the long jump. You would then jump on when you thought you were far enough out to win. I don't know how many hours my brother and I spent in front of that TV playing that one game. But other than that, my ️memories are back behind my parents house. In the woods. In the dirt. In the mud. On our four-wheelers. Hours upon hours were spent outdoors. No cell phones. Just good ole clean fun. I want my son to have ️memories like I had growing up.
But more than ️memories, I want him to remember I took the time to engage with him. As an only child, it is sometimes hard to devote myself 100% to him. But since he is an only child, I don't want him to ever feel alone. I want him to know he can count on me. He can depend on me to be there whether it's to play in dirt or tell me his deepest, darkest secret.
Put down your phone. Put away the electronics. Enjoy what God created and use your time wisely. Cherish the "down and dirty" moments in life because one day, you will have wished you would. Make it matter.
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