So often, I look at the things I don't do as a mother. I know I am not to compare myself to others. Especially the "Pinterest" moms and all the moms on Social Media because I know (we all know) perfect moms do not exist.
But far too often, I tend to see the faults. When you are a single mom, you don't have someone telling you that you are doing a good job. When your child is young, they don't really know that a mother needs to hear praises every now and then. I believe that so many of us feel as if we fail daily. I see it daily on Facebook. A status update that reads: Mom of the Year because she forgot it was school picture day. Maybe the mom and child had a rough morning and the door was slammed as her child got out of the car to be dropped off. After 7 long hours, the mom gets to pick up her child and realizes the child has quickly forgotten their rough start to the day. But the mom dwelled on it, hour after hour.
I see commercials where the mom has prepared a gourmet meal for breakfast and it is hot out of the oven. Fresh orange juice and steam coming off the eggs she probably got from her chickens that morning next to her garden. Which is next to her cow that she probably got the milk from to prepare breakfast. I know it's a commercial but I do know this is also real life. My mom had us the best meals prepared growing up. That is one of my great ️memories because she made them special. I feel like I have fallen short as a mother and deprived my little boy from a childhood he may not remember. ️Memories don't come from money spent but time spent. Where do I focus my time? It seems to pass far too quickly.
How many of you are exhausted on a daily basis? When you lay down at night, you can't turn your thoughts off. When you wake up, you realize you slept a little too late and now you have to rush your child out the door with a honey bun in his or her hand. Have any of you ever been there? Your child wants to play but all you want to do is lay down but then remember all the clothes are dirty so you can't do either.
I lost my #1 fan over two years ago. My dad. He was my constant. He was my encourager. My motivator. The one that would always tell me that I was a good mother or that he was proud of me. He would tell me that I was an overcomer and that I pushed through when most would have thrown their hands up and quit. He didn't always agree with my decisions but one thing he always did... love me and my son.
I may fail daily as a parent. I may question everything I do when no one seems to think so. I may cry out at night and beg God for direction as I lead my 7 year old. I may send him out the door with a pop-tart and a coke. I may not always have the right answers for him. I may send him to school with a "fro" because I didn't wake up in time to fix his long, curly hair. There are so many things I fail at that sometimes I think it has a negative outcome. It changes my view on myself as a mother because no one knows my heart or my thoughts. But one thing I do - is love. I love without question. I read a quote recently that said: "There are no perfect parents. There are no perfect children. But there are plenty of perfect moments along the way." I challenge others today to take the time to encourage all moms. Young moms and old moms. You may not know their discouragement or thoughts of being a failure. Speak life over them instead of pointing out all their faults.
So heads up to those moms who shut themselves in the closet and watch an Eagle. (some will get this) You are doing a better job than you think you are. You are not a failure... look closely in the eyes of those little ones around you and you will see their love for you is far beyond any gourmet breakfast.
So repeat after me... "I am not a failure."
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