Daily...I watch those who have lived longer than I have. Much longer. It is something I could do all day long. I enjoy how they love the simplicity of life. They don't make it difficult even it life makes it difficult for them.
As an account manager for home health, I have the privilege to call Bingo for different facilities. It is one of my favorite job requirements. I absolutely look forward to playing each week because who doesn't love a good game of Bingo? It is something that the residents of these facilities look forward to each week. They win small prizes that we would more than likely take for granted. Toilet paper. Paper towels. Air freshener. Soap. As most of them sit at the table in their wheel chair, they listen intently. They help one another rather than try to make it a competition to see who can win first. Now don't get me wrong, they are competitive, but they play fair. They get excited when someone else wins. And I mean excited. Like hit the lottery excited. It makes me smile a sincere smile. A smile that brings so much happiness to my heart because it encourages me.
One week, I had a 60 year old lady who had a stroke 15 years ago. She couldn't barely talk. She could not more her right arm and had a brace on her right leg. But she explained to me with her hand motions how I could help her. She sat right beside me and every time I called a letter and number she had, she would get overly excited. She would smile and giggle. It took effort on her part to thoroughly enjoy the game because she had to focus on my words and then remember what I said or showed her when she looked at her Bingo card. She never got frustrated. She didn't let her disability hinder her at all. She could have sat in her room and kept on her pajamas as she sipped on hot cocoa watching Days of our Lives. But she chose to get up. Get dressed. And live!
Why is it that those who could use an excuse choose not to? It seems those who are perfectly healthy seem to find every excuse in the book. I am guilty of this. I am too tired. I have a headache. I have a cold. I don't have that much time. Excuse after excuse after excuse. Look around at those who have perfectly good excuses but choose to smile and choose to live. Let them encourage you today and convict you when you want to "throw a pity party."
I don't have any excuses... What's yours?
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