I absolutely love music. I could have conversations that consist of nothing but song lyrics. I would rather drive for hours and listen to music than drive for hours and talk. I am that person that will tell you to hush because one of my "favorite" songs is on the radio. And I have several favorites. My playlist consists of the most random songs you could ever imagine. Back when I actually ran for fun, I would listen to upbeat music so I could run to the beat. I didn't care who sang the song and probably didn't know half of the lyrics. But I never did edit my playlist. I would download any and all types of music onto my MP3 player. I would be running to Brittany Spears (great running music), Metallica, Marilyn Manson (The Beautiful People has the best beat--little odd, I know) and then all of a sudden, a slow, depressing, country, love song would begin playing and just ruin my entire workout. But I never did edit it.
One year, my oldest brother and I went to Ft. Walton Beach and being the sweet sister that I am, I made him a CD for our trip. I put much thought into this CD. It had songs from "the old days" such as Ozzy, Cinderella, White Snake and other similar music. As we were sitting in our beach chairs, enjoying ourselves and the music ... Eye of the Tiger comes blaring from the speakers. I think my brother about fell out of his beach chair. He told me that I ruined the CD with that song. I couldn't tell if he was sun burned or embarrassed as it continued to echo across the beach. He should have been glad I didn't have my workout music playing. Rocky would be the least of his worries then.
Music is a part of my life. Always has been and always will be. Music can share my heart when I can't seem to find the words to say. Music can take you back to a moment in time like nothing else can. It can brings peace. It can bring sadness. It can bring anger. It can bring happiness. It can bring up many emotions and send you on a roller coaster that you didn't realize you even got on. Music can do wonders.
Several weeks ago, our founding Pastor mentioned a song that his mom sang. He remembered songs his grandparents sang. He told us how all of the songs they sang always mentioned the blood of Jesus. Of course when I heard the words, "But Mama's song..." I started to reflect on my life. What song would my little boy remember I sang? Would it be a song that would bring comfort to him during times of trouble? Would it be a song that would provide healing when he needed it? What song would my little boy sing when he was scared? What song would he sing when he thought about his mom? What would be your song? I know I think of my dad when I hear the song "I Believe." It was one of his favorite songs. He loved music like I did. He loved songs that talked about life.
Years ago, before my little boy could walk, Hank Williams Jr. was on repeat in my truck. But as my little boy got older, I started to pay more attention to the songs/music I allowed him to listen to. Country music was basically cheating and drinking. Any music with a good beat was about drugs and sex. There was no music that I could seem to find that was appropriate for my little boy to listen to. I am a big believer in the power of spoken words. Whether it comes from my mouth or the mouth of someone else. Whether it is spoken or sung. I believe that music does have some type of "power" over you. I see videos posted on social media of kids singing songs that I believe are absolutely inappropriate and certainly not funny. Adults seem to find humor when their child dances to music that I would be embarrassed to listen to. I am thankful that my child doesn't remember the lyrics to Hank's "Whiskey Bent and Hell Bound" or "If Heaven Ain't a Lot Like Dixie." I'm not sure how well that would go over with what I teach him today. Everything that we do, say, listen to, watch, should be a reflection of what we teach our children. We can't focus on one area of our lives and ignore the rest.
I asked him what song would make him think of me and his immediate response was Amazing Grace. I pray that when he is older, he will always remember the lyrics to Amazing Grace and remember that His grace is truly amazing. He can remember God's grace instead of getting whiskey bent and hell bound when he makes a mistake. What would you hear your child say after..."But mama's song...?"
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