Do you ever over think? Like your brain has been in overdrive for way too long. You question everything. Then you question your questions and then maybe you answer them. I will say that sometimes having an answer to your questions is a good thing. Can you answer your "whys" in life? Why do you do certain things? Is there a specific reason why you do them or do most things become routine? Are you following the crowd or are you a leader? Think about the "whys" in your life for a moment.
I have been writing for over 2 years now. I have a reason why I write. Sometimes I struggle with a topic and sometimes they come easily. A dog may spark a blog post or something that occurred in my life may inspire a blog post. But the reason behind why I do what I do, is my dad. I made him a promise. What happens if I quit? If I just stop?
I asked myself last week, how long will you keep this promise? When will you quit? My answer was simple. As long as I am reaching one person, I am accomplishing something. That one person may even be me. When I write, I may be preaching to myself hoping that it will encourage someone else.
After my dad passed away, I heard from so many people that were encouraged through my dad's writings. I honestly don't think he knew just how many lives he touched. I believe generations will be changed because of his words. He was good. He had a talent. He was so gifted when it came to putting a pen to a piece of paper. Me, not so much. But I think those I reach can relate to me. I'm not an English major. It never was my subject. I despised it. I'm a math girl. Quantitative methods. Piece of cake. I may not can spell it, but I can ace it. But that's not going to stop me from writing. You will get my point whether I am grammatically correct or not. So no need to look over my writings and fail me. We all know where I stand with English!
So when will I quit? Not anytime soon. I will write. I will share. It's too easy to quit. So I will press in when I become overwhelmed. I will be lifted up when someone gives me an encouraging word. And thank you to those that continue to read and encourage me. It does make me feel good and it makes me think my dad is smiling down at his little girl.
For those of you who have a passion and reason behind what you do, don't quit. Keep going.
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