We see it all the time. We hear it all the time. We say it all the time. "Time, please slow down." It's used on birthdays. It's used when our kids are in plays or dances when they are young. It's said when our children graduate. We all know, that the older we get, the faster time seems to pass. We blink and a year has gone quickly by us. We blink again and ten years have passed right before our eyes.
I am a go, go, go person. I can not sit still. I want to do it all and I want to do it all... in one night! I want to be involved in everything. I want my son to play every instrument and compete in every single sport because I love to "do". I love to stay busy it seems. He could care less but he was always wanting to know where we were going next. We never have down time but recently, I have learned, it's making time pass too fast. It's great to create all these memories and do things that we both love, but it's chaotic. Sometimes the chaos is good but these past few months, my eyes have been opened that the "down time" is few and far between. I wasn't able to sit down and have supper with my little boy. I wasn't able to lay with him in bed and talk about the day because I was beyond exhausted. We never got to play with his toys or his games because we always had something to do.
My son is eight years old and this could be the last year that I get to experience some "magical" and innocent moments. So when I want to say, "Time slow down." What I need to say is, "No, you slow down." You slow down to watch his eyes sparkle as he looks into the eyes of Santa Clause. You slow down to walk with him as he looks for his elves. You slow down to play games and build whatever it is that your child wants to build. You slow down to read that book your little boy or girl wants to read even though you cannot hold your eyes open. You slow down when your child wants to bake. Make messes. Messes make memories. Messes can be cleaned. Memories cannot be recreated. You never know when you may be experiencing a "last." I know that I am closer than I was last year to some "last" and that makes this mommy's heart sad.
So this Christmas, even though it's almost over, maximize the moments. Don't just "do" but "be." Be present. Be in the now. Be still. Be quiet. Be patient. Just BE.
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