She's Got Her Entire World in Her Hands

Life is hard.  I don't care what anyone else says.  It can be harder because of our foolish decisions and it can be hard because life just happens.  I've said many times on social media this week, Christmas time is hard for many.  It's a time where those who are no longer with us are missed the most.  Chairs are empty.  Christmas cards only have one name instead of two names when you are addressing them or placing them on a gift.  Maybe you are like me and "Santa" no longer visits you.  I had a Santa for 32 years so when Christmas time rolls around, it's a constant reminder that I no longer have one.  It's a daily reminder, my dad is no longer here.  My #1 fan isn't around anymore.  The one who encouraged me.  The one who believed in me.  The one who was there for me and would listen to me.  But, I am also reminded daily of the words he spoke over me because I have notes from him all over my house.  I have them in my Bible.  I have them in books.  I have them in frames.  They literally "echo" even though he is no longer around.  But there are days I could use his words that built me up.  His words that reminded who I am and who I was created to be.  His words that were given when I felt like given up or when I felt like the world was trying to pull me down.

As a single mom, it's hard at times.  Who am I kidding?  It's hard all the time.  It's hard as a single mom.  It's hard when you are a married.  It's just hard being a mom period.  Moms were created to nurture.  Moms have that "mother instinct" when something is wrong so moms worry.  We beat ourselves up.  We question everything.  What did I screw up today?  What could I have done differently?  We see our failures more than we ever see our successes.  And I can tell you as a single mom, we see failure... after failure... after failure.  We see tears and we feel guilt.  We see heartache and we once again beat ourselves up and try to do whatever it is we can to "fix" it.  Can I tell you something?  We won't always get it right.  We are going to make mistakes.  We may make HUGE mistakes but it's not because we aren't trying.  It's not because we don't care.  It's not because we are selfish.  We put so much on our shoulders that weigh us down.  We carry weight when we aren't suppose to carry it.  And another secret, we may look like we have it all together, but we don't.  We may appear strong but that's because we have no other choice.  We hold our entire world in our hands.  That's scary.  So be patient.  Be kind.  But this isn't and wasn't intended to be about single moms but about words.  Encouraging words. 

I lost the one who encouraged me and I can feel it every single day.  I don't have that one person who was always proud of me.  The one who would send me an e-mail to let me know I am or was doing something right.  There are many scriptures about encrouaging others.  Tell me you don't feel good when someone let's you know how great you look because you've lost XX amount of pounds?  Maybe you've recently been promoted.  It's nice to be congratulated, right?  It's nice to be noticed when you got a haircut or a highlight?  Don't lie to me.  It's nice to be noticed every now and then.  Why do you think people take SO many selifes?  We don't do things to get noticed (some don't)... but it doesn't hurt for someone to notice.  To say a kind word.  To send an encouraging text message or a phone call to lift one's spirits.'s a wonderful surprise to check the old school snail mail to find a card full of encouraging words.  Yes, people still do this.  People still drop goodies off at your front door for no reason.  Just a simple, "I was thinking about you."

I continue to question why I write.  I am not gifted in the writing department.  AT ALL.  My brain thinks faster than my fingers can type.  I have a hard time sharing exactly how I feel without coming across as rude or blonde.  But when you send me those messages that no one else's encouraging me.  I don't know what my dad would tell me to do but I know it would be something uplifting.  I will continue to write and focus more on my blog this coming year.  Thank you for those that still believe in me.  Thank you to those that continue to read my blog week after week even though it's not written by your A+ English Major. (that would be my dad)  Your words matter to me.  Your words matter to others.  May our words lift others up.  May they always encourage them.  May we speak them (encouraging words) when we may feel it's not necessary because someone may appear to have it all together.  Let's let the words that echo in other's minds be words that empower.  Words that uplift.  Words that encourage.  Words that build up.

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless." - Mother Teresa       
