Do you ever think about time? How many hours until it's 5 o'clock? How many hours will I get to sleep tonight? How many days until vacation? How many days until Christmas? I bet some of you can answer that one. What about how many days until your child is legally an adult? Some of you may have grown kids and realize the days are long but the years are short. You blinked and you now have an empty nest. You tell young parents to cherish these moments because you know reality. Reality is time passes quickly.
3,290 days... give or take a few. That is the amount of days I have left until my son turns 18. What! Let me swallow this lump in my throat and catch this tear that's falling.
In 2 days, my only child, Kendall Beck, will celebrate his 9th birthday. It may not seem significant to any of you but to me - it's the halfway mark. He's lived half of his childhood. Oh, what this does to my heart. What have I done with the past 3,000 + days? Has he had a good childhood? Will he look back and say that he had a wonderful childhood? From my experience, I learned that my mother was very selfless. I remember the time she gave up in order to make our childhood special. Early mornings to make us a gourmet breakfast. Late nights to make sure our backs were rubbed before bed. I remember the notes my dad would leave me on my pillow at night when I got older. Vacations. Sports. Church. Birthdays. Christmas. Memories that I will never forget. Will my son be able to say the same?
What if you were given $3,290 to spend over the next 9 years? What would you do with that money if that's all you had to spend for those 9 years? Given a day, $3,290 may seem like a lot of money. But spread out over nine years, it's very little. We would spend in wisely. Perhaps we would save it. We would choose what was important and what would be insignificant. We would be aware of every single dollar spent. We would be careful who we spent it on. We would not waste it. Every dollar would be accounted for. Do you understand what I am trying to say? The picture I am painting?
So, what will you do with the days ahead? Are you aware of the short time you have left with your loved ones, your kids? I realize we aren't promised tomorrow but we can certainly make the most of today. Money can be earned. Time cannot. We are given only a certain amount of days here on this Earth. What will we do with it? Let's not let the next 9 years be wonder years... you know, the years that you look back on and "wonder where they went." Let's "wonder" how we can make the most of our time. Cherish these moments. The big. The small. The happy. The sad. The good and the bad. The clock is ticking.
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