What She Didn't Say

We all know that one person that seems to know everything.  Literally.  He or she may be referred to as the mouth of the south, at least here in Louisiana. People call this person to find out the dirt on a particular person or subject.  Mouth always running 90 to nothing with information about every single person whether it's truth or not.  Now get that person you just pictured out of your head.  This isn't about them.  It's about you.  It's about me.  It's about us. 

A little over a year ago, I was having dinner with a friend of the opposite sex.  Someone from our church walked in the restaurant and my words to my friend were, "Well, we will find out if she is a gossip or not."  We spoke to this person and said our goodbyes.  I was waiting over the next few days to see what rumors started flying around after that night but none did.  Nothing was ever said.  Nothing was brought up.  It was at that point that my respect for this person increased.  She could have started whatever rumor she wanted to.  She could have easily given in to friendly or loose conversation with a friend but chose not to.  I've been the victim of many rumors simply because someone saw me out or even near someone of the opposite sex.  I'm sure we all have at some point in our lives, been a victim of a rumor. 

I remember several years ago one particular rumor that was spread about me after being seen in someone's truck.  I had to giggle when I found out the rumor because it was so absurd.  Simply by passing me going down the road...their fingers quickly went to typing a message (back in the Yahoo messenger days) to a friend of mine.  Why is it that we are so quick to run our mouth?  What is it that draws people to the "mouth of the south?"  Those that want to always point fingers at others but never back at themselves.  Why would someone want to destroy another simply by creating lies?  Is it hate?  Is it jealousy?  Is it to attract others to the know it all?  Is it simply because it's our sin nature to talk? 

I am guilty of gossip this weak and believe me when I tell you I was immediately convicted.  Whether what we hear is true or not, there comes a time in our lives when we are to shut that down.  The loose talk around a dinner table.  The text messages that so many send and receive.  Check your phone now.  Is there one that contains gossip?  When we pick up the phone to call our friend and let her/him know of what just went down.  Most of the time, these conversations are nothing but tearing down someone.  We can justify them all we want but they are never uplifting.

Have you heard the saying, "Great minds discuss ideas.  Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people."  Whew! Think on that for a minute.

How would your life be different if you walked away from gossip and verbal defamation?  Let today be the day you speak only the good you know of other people and encourage others to do the same.

Choose to be different.  Don't strive to fit in with the crowd but stand out from the crowd.  Be the last to know the rumor that circulates all over town.  It's not a bad thing.

I remember what she didn't say years ago rather than what she could have said.  Respect grew for this person and I will never forget that night and what wasn't said.        
