I have debated whether or not to continue with the name Building a Better You because it's something my dad created. It wasn't my idea or anything I came up with. I have tried so long to continue my dad's legacy while losing myself in the process. My identity was in my dad. I published my blog posts on Thursdays because that's when my dad's articles came out each week. But I am learning that it's okay to be me. I will never let the words of my dad be forgotten and I will remember what he told me in his last days. "Laurie, share your story." He didn't say share his but to share mine. I am letting go and learning to just be me. But I don't want to JUST be me. I want to be a better me. So, I will continue to promote "Building a Better You."
Recently I watched the movie "The Shack." It opened my eyes on so many levels and led to many discussions. One discussion it led to was simply being a better person. Each day. Each day we should want to be better than the day before. We are growing older each day. Each day we should become wiser and learn from our past. Walk in forgiveness. Learn to forgive and walk in freedom. I'm sure many of you, if not all of you, reading this have some type of bitterness, hatred or anger in your heart from someone that hurt you or a loved one. You aren't living completely free because holding on to those emotions cripple you whether you realize it or not. It's not always easy to forgive and certainly not easy to forget.
My son and I had a discussion on the way to school one morning about being kinder than necessary because you never know what someone else is going through. He is 8 years old so I tried my best to break this down for him. I think as adults it's easy to forget that as well. We don't want to excuse or a better word, question anyone's behavior because it's easier to just judge them. We don't care why they do certain things or act certain ways. We just want to see them suffer from their actions that caused pain in our life or others.
Someone posted on social media that they weren't trying to be a better person. It blew my mind that someone would post those words whether they were kidding or not. Why in the world would you not want to be a better person? Who in their right mind wants to continue life just as they are? Without growing. Without learning. Without forgiving more and loving more. We all have areas in our life that need improving. Every single one of us. What are your weaknesses? What areas in your life do you need to work on today?
Maybe you need to let go and forgive someone today. Perhaps your words could be a little more gentle as you speak with someone today. Give grace. Show love. Be kinder than necessary. Share with someone today what God has freed you from recently or years ago. Be purposeful today with your life. Try not to let the little things bother you and focus on what really matters in life. If we all tried a little harder to become better, I believe our world around us would begin to change. One day at a time.
Yes, we should all want to Build a Better Me.
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