Who Cares About You

Have you ever heard words that just cut you to the core?  It takes a lot for words to hurt me or bother me but last year someone said something that knocked me down or let's just say rubbed me wrong.  It may have made me a little more angry than upset.  It took all I had not to just vomit out every single thought that crossed my mind when I heard what I am about to share with you all.  And if any of you are wise, sometimes it is best not to blurt out what you are thinking.

At the time, I was reading the book, Uninvited by Lysa TerKeurst.  "Living Loved when you feel less than, left out, and lonely."  It is an AMAZING book.  It spoke to me from the very first chapter.  For those of you that don't know much about me, I am a single mom to a precious little boy.  I lost my dad almost 4 years ago.  He was my encourager.  The one who believed in me AND let me know it.  His words of life are hidden deep within me that he planted before I was ever born but the void hits hard.  Every. Single. Day.  I don't have a husband around that lifts me up when my spirits are down.  My little boy just turned 9 so he's not always one to leave a note of encouragement when I may need it most.  (But he is slowly learning.)  So you can see how I may feel less than, left out or at times, lonely.

I was having a discussion with someone and I brought this book up.  The words this person said after I mentioned the book:  "I don't want to read a book about not being invited to a party.  I could care less if someone includes me."  Basically what I heard... "How stupid can one be to read this book?  What a waste of time.  What idiot or low life would read a book like this?"  I explained that this book was so much more.  This book was about rejection.  Feeling left out, if you are a single mom then you can relate to this.  Feeling lonely at times.  Once again, if you are a single mom, you can relate.  I'm sure many people can relate.  Single or not.  WOW.  Did this person even think before they blurted these words out?  First of all, I was in a very difficult season.  This person knew it but could not even begin to fathom what I was going through.  How selfish.  I had SO many things I wanted to say but simply didn't.  This person has a spouse that adores them.  They are never left out because of a title attached to them.    I'm sure the invitations they get have to be filtered through because they have too many to count.  Lonely?  I'm not sure if they even know that word exists.  It was a blow.  A blow because I have felt every single emotion this book discusses.  And to be honest, I'm quite sure this person has as well.

My point is this, be wise with your words.  Think before you speak.  I am so guilty of saying things before I think them through.  I can promise you this person had no intentions of hurting me or making me mad.  I'm sure to this day, they have no idea what they did to me that night.  We all are on a different journey.  We may have similar stories but yet they can still be night and day.  Walk a mile in my shoes...have you ever heard that saying?  Someone said that to me before but yet had no clue what I was walking through.  We may be walking in these shoes because of our own choices.  Stop comparing your life to the life of another.  Don't judge someone that you can't relate to.  Be gentle.  Be compassionate.  Step by and ask yourself what you could do to help this person.  I know some people who are walking through some very difficult times...I wouldn't want to walk a mile in their shoes...much less even put their shoes on.

Life ain't always beautiful but it's a beautiful ride.
