Thinking Outloud

No, I am not about to write a post about Ed Sheeran but the title to his song made me think a little deeper.  You've heard so many quotes about our thoughts and thinking so I thought I would elaborate on my thoughts.  Scary...I know!

~ If everyone knew what I was thinking, I'd get punched in the face.

~ All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts.

~ If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right.

~ Intelligence is something we are born with.  Thinking is a skill that must be learned.

How much truth is in the above quotes? I'm sure at some point today, a negative thought has crossed your mind.  Maybe a thought that should have never even crossed your mind.  Did you dwell on them?  Did you continue to feed your negative thought(s)?  It's so easy to get caught up in our circumstances or maybe even think the worse.

What about those thoughts about others?  Someone you aren't too fond of crosses your path.  You don't say anything but the thoughts you think aren't anything to overlook.  There goes THAT girl...the one who got pregnant out of wedlock.  There goes that guy...what a waste.  What about her?  What about him?  How could he even show his face in public?  What is she doing up in this church?

We've all had them.  But here lately, God has been conviction me about my thoughts.  Whether about others.  About life.  About our kids.  About everything that surrounds us.  I have some scary thoughts.  I don't know about you but I wouldn't want anyone to ever hear my thoughts.  They would FREAK you out.  I don't know where they come from or why I even ponder on them at times.

I have started praying every morning on the way to school with my son about us glorifying God.  With our actions AND our thoughts.  HE knows everything.  Others might not be able to read our minds. (That's a good thing.)  But I think we sometimes forget that the good Lord above knows all.  It's like we think we can trick Him.  "God, I'm a good person."  While cussin' out the lady who just cut you off (in your mind of course.)  Because we wouldn't want anyone to think anything unwholesome comes from our mouth.  We want to pretend that we are "perfect" on the outside but quickly forget our relationship with God is more than outward appearance.  It's your heart.  It's your mind.

What if we thought out loud?  What if every single one of our thoughts were spoken where others could hear us?  I'm willing to bet that our thoughts would be much different.  We would work harder at filtering our thoughts.  We wouldn't dwell on the negative.  We wouldn't think certain things about others.  We wouldn't doubt as much.  I believe our lives would reflect such as well.

So, today, I challenge you.  Every thought that enters your mind, ask yourself, "Would I want everyone to hear this?"

Maybe you should actually "think out loud" to see how ridiculous some of your thoughts may sound.

He's still working on me...Is He still working on you?

