Several years ago, I knew I was about to walk through the most difficult journey ever. It wasn’t a journey of the flesh... but it was going to be spiritual warfare. I wish I would have documented in detail the days, months, leading up to this journey I was going to have to walk through.
I had many people praying for me and I am so thankful for that. Don’t read into what I am about to say but please hear me out. What I needed was someone’s physical presence. I didn’t need to be alone. Someone, actually several people, asked me what I needed from them... I told them I needed actual people in my life. Present. To be there with me as I fought through this battle. I didn’t want to walk through with my worldly eyes, my flesh, but I wanted to fight this spiritual battle with people. Praying people. Actual human beings. Present in my life.
The day came and the battle started the exact day I knew it would. It actually started beforehand but it escalated quickly. Spiritual warfare. Lies being spread. Words slung that stung. My heart was already broken and as the months passed... somehow it broke more. I didn’t think it was possible to hurt that much.
Those that had asked me what I needed from them? Where were they?
My son would see me weeping. Not just a little tear here or there but weeping. He would ask me what was wrong and I could not explain to him what I was feeling. He was mad because he knew his mama was hurt.
Betrayed by those I loved most. Forgotten by those I needed. Shunned. Judged. I don’t even know what it was that I was feeling. Spiritual warfare like I’ve never witnessed. The unseen was prevalent in my life but not so obvious to those around me. Souls were on the line. What could I do?
I met with a lady that had explained a journey she had walked through several years prior. The people she thought she needed weren’t there for her. But the people God knew she needed... were there.
So even though those I thought I needed weren’t anywhere to be found, but maybe on the sidelines. Saying a little chant as I passed them by. God placed people in my life He knew I needed.
As I think about the last several years, I have to ask myself, “Where were you?” As much as I’d like to think I’m the greatest friend ever... I have failed. Those that needed me... I failed.
I’m sure many people around me have said the words, “I needed you.” But you weren’t there.
I challenge us all today... to be present... be aware of those around you... when someone says they need you... be there! It takes guts to let someone know that you are weak.... that you can’t do it alone.
Let’s be better each and everyday.
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