Life's No Fun

I'm in a hurry to get things done oh I rush and rush until life's no fun.  All I really gotta do is live and die but I'm in a hurry and don't know why.

If you are a country fan, then you just sang the above paragraph instead of read it.  But what amazing lyrics that make a very valid point.    

I LOVE to travel.  I LOVE to go places.  I do NOT like to sit still and I certainly don't like to lay around all day.  I would not consider myself lazy because I feel completely useless when I'm just laying around.  I feel like I am wasting my life away which is the topic of this post.

As moms, we are always going.  As single moms, we seriously never get a break.  There is no "tag" your it or "Honey, can you put the kids to bed tonight?"  Laundry.  Cooking.  Cleaning. Run here and run there.  Bathe the kids.  Make sure they do their homework.  Nurture them.  Love them.  Correct them.  Cry with them.  It can be exhausting and overwhelming while very rewarding.  I wouldn't trade it for anything this world has to offer. 

I often find myself wishing I had more energy.  I have a couple of friends that seem to have the stamina of the energizer bunny.  Literally.  They do it ALL.  They go.  They do.  They are all over the place and at times, it can make me feel like I am not doing enough.  I feel like I could do more if only I had more energy.  But let's stop right there.  You are not your friend.  They are not you. Life is different for us all.  The struggles.  The battles.  The talents and the gifts.  Just because I am not doing something 24/7 doesn't mean that I need or have to do more.  It doesn't make me any less of a person.  A friend.  A mom.  We were created unique.  We were created to be different.  Our bodies are different and we all function differently.  

The next time that you find yourself thinking you are wasting your life because you sat down for a minute or even a few hours... remember that you need to rest.  When we are so busy that we can't remember if we are coming or going... then we need to slow it down.  
You don't have to do it all.  There may be days that you simply accomplish nothing.  There may be days that you feel like you should get a medal for world's best mom.  Then there are days that you go to bed thinking you are the world's okayest mom and guess what... that's okay.

Stop over planning.  Stop filling your calendar to the max trying to squeeze as much LIFE into one day.  I'm guilty of this and also watching the toll this has taken on my body.  I will stop the comparison game.  I will SLOW down and enjoy life.  I don't have to be in a hurry everywhere I go.  I don't have to accomplish more than my friend to LIVE my life.  And neither do you.

Don't get so busy that you miss out on life.  Don't think that you have to do it all in order to experience life.  There are times that require you to just SIT and soak in the moment.  Those around you.  The laughter.  The tears.  The conversations. And at times... the quietness.  The stillness.  

My friend... slow down and LIVE.             
