Spinning Around & Around

The wilderness.  It looks nothing like the picture above.  It's dark. It's scary.  It seems endless.  Some of you know exactly the picture I am describing.  You've been there.  You are there now.  

Jeremy Foster from Hope City Church was a visiting pastor at Christ Church for Alive 2019.  He mentioned something that I've said over and over and over.

It's not good for man to be alone.  

You.  Me.  We.  We were NOT created to go through life alone.  In the very beginning... God said... Hold up... You're going to need a little help in this thing called life.

Genesis 2:18 New International Version (NIV)

18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

If you find yourself walking around in the wilderness alone... it's time to reevaluate your circle... and do so quickly.
Life is hard.  I've always been known as the strong one and I do consider myself strong.  I've walked through hell alone and can I tell you... I did walk out a stronger person but I also walked out a harder person.  I walked out with the attitude that I don't need anyone to walk through life with because if I can make it through what I've been through without the help of anyone... I can go the rest of my life without the help or support of another human being.  But... that's not the way we are suppose to live.
If you've had to walk through the wilderness alone, I am truly sorry.  It will break you.  You will question everything about yourself. About others. About life.  About God.
It wasn't until recently that I realized several of those I had put on a pedestal over the course of my life aren't as strong as I thought they were.  They have never had to walk through life alone and that right there... is a blessing.  I'm sure they have had heartache and been hurt but having someone by your side is much better than being alone.  Consider yourself blessed if you've never been abandoned or disowned.  If you have a spouse that's right beside you, be grateful for it.  If you have family that has always supported you regardless of the season you're in, thank the Lord and appreciate them.
As a single mom to an only child... LIFE can get HARD.  My child isn't suppose to be the one to encourage me.  He wasn't created to support me but at times... he has had to do just that.
I have had to reevaluate my circle recently and make sure that I am locking arms with those that will pray for me because I never want to go through the wilderness alone again.  I've found those that will fight hell with me.  Those that will battle with me.  Those that will support me and encourage me.  Those that won't leave if things aren't so pretty.  Those that don't judge me and try their best to understand me.  
What about you?  What does your circle look like?  Is your circle strong or will you find yourself alone in the wilderness?
I've been at a place in life where I was surrounded by people but I felt so alone.  The world was spinning around me and my little world had been flipped upside down.   Everyone doing their own thing while I was trying my best not to lose my everlasting mind. It was dark and terrifying.  I never EVER want to experience that again and I don't want you to either. 
My reason for sharing this is to tell you that relationships matter.  If you are alone, find someone to do life with.  Get plugged in.  Find a small group.  Get involved in your community.  Whatever you do... don't go through life alone.  There are people out there that care.  Don't let the enemy tell you otherwise.

