We See What We Want To See

Hang tight as I try to explain something that's been on my heart for quite awhile now.

A little over a year ago, I was talking with someone and told them the following words.  "How many signs do you need from God that you are to come home?"  Their response.  "I see it as the enemy wanting me to question God's plans."  

I believe so many times during life, we see exactly what we want to see.  We choose what we want to see.  If you want to see the bad, then that's exactly what you will see.  If you want to see the good, then that's exactly what you will see.

This can go two ways.

1.  I believe that we can twist things to make them appear as if it's God's will.  We can make certain things align with God's word depending on how we look at it.  One person may see something as a clear sign to RUN while another may see those signs as a distraction from the enemy.  If we want to do something, then we are going to search high and low for "signs" that God is telling us to do exactly this even if it's evident that there are many "signs" that may tell us otherwise. Does that make sense?    

2.  Perspective.  Another way to look at things.  Just as this person I mentioned above, I saw so many signs saying "this ain't God" when this particular person chose to see distractions.  They chose to see the enemy trying to make them second guess their decision.  It could be perspective or it could be them forcing a situation to fit their will instead of God's.  

Life is all about perspective.  

I've had many conversations over the past week with my son about life.  What you see.  What you hear.  The truth.  

Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see.  

I have lived this over the course of the past several years.  People may have heard something from someone else about me and the picture they painted looks to be true because of what they see.  I mean if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it must be a duck, right?  But if they were to focus their binoculars and learn more of the truth... it would be clear that what they heard or even what they see is far from the truth.  However, people choose to see what they want to see.     

They will turn things around to fit their story.  They will twist things to make things appear exactly how they want them to appear.  This applies to our walk with God as well.

It all boils down to one thing... our heart.

We aren't going to always get it right.  We will make a decision that we thought was God's will only to find out that we may have heard wrong.  However... God will look past our human flesh and look to our heart that so desperately wants to do nothing but to live out His will.

We will see what we want to see...

but God sees the heart...

Above ALL else... Guard Your Heart for it is the WELLSPRING OF LIFE!

