Daily. I fail. Daily. I make mistakes. Daily. I fall.
But daily... I learn.
I am FAR from perfect. I have dark places in my heart that I'm working on every minute of the day. Sometimes the thoughts that cross my mind scare me. The only place those thoughts could even come from are the pits of hell. Which makes me realize that I have a LONG way to go.
But folks... we've got to do better.
Several months ago, someone that I had been hanging out with and trying to form a friendship with called me every name under the moon. One of them was a gossip. It's easy to get caught up in conversation but I feel that she took my story and turned it into a gossip session. She misunderstood what I had shared with her and turned it into something the enemy could run with in order to tear me down. Let's not get confused with facts and gossip. But also know that we must be protective of the information you share because if in the wrong hands (or ears) it can be used against you.
Over the past month or so, I've also realized that we have to be careful with those around us. Those that we share our story with or those that we share our struggles with because it can be misunderstood as gossip. As a single mom, I need someone that I can share my ups and downs with. My highs and lows. I need someone that I can call and share my heart with without being judged or condemned. Life isn't easy. It is vital to have those key people in your life to lead you and guide you according to HIS word.
Lately, my prayer has been for my thoughts to be wise. How often are the thoughts we have foolish? They are selfish. They are not Godly. They are of the flesh. They are not Holy.
My prayer has also been for my words to be full of GRACE.
My son is 11 years old and I learn more from him than anyone around me. He reminds me that we are to speak positive. We are to be uplifting and encouraging even when everything may be falling apart around us.
The word "Christian" gets tossed around a little too much. Especially here in the south or the Bible belt as it's often referred to by others. Everyone is a Christian and everyone prays. But that's SO far from the truth.
If you are a Sunday Christian, then you can stop reading at this point.
If you are a fully devoted Christian and want to grow as a Christian... then keep reading.
2. JOY
Those aren't optional.
And that's where I fail.
I don't always practice love - especially when someone intentionally hurts my child. My first thought isn't to love them. In fact, I want to do the exact opposite. I believe for the most part, we pick and choose who we love. But that's not what His word says... AT ALL. So, if you call yourself a Christian, loving others isn't optional.
Joy and peace can often be seen when life is good. When things are going your way. What about the times when your world is turned upside down? What about when you experience loss? Is joy and peace evident or missing?
I fail daily when it comes to patience. Just take a quick trip to Wal-mart and I'm willing to bet you you'd struggle with patience as well. Sit in traffic for longer than 5 minutes and I'm sure that you'd start yelling at the car in front of you or honk when someone doesn't immediately gas it when the light turns green. Car drop off or pick up? Let's not even go there. Even when we are tired... we are to be patient. The struggle is real.
Kindness should be easy and it is when others are kind to you. Kill them with kindness. Have you ever heard that saying? There is a little truth to it. I'm not sure that it's scriptural but if we practice kindness... perhaps others will follow. As a Christian, that's one thing that someone should certainly say about us... "They are kind."
Goodness. It's hard to be good to those that do bad. It's hard to do the next right thing when you have been doing right but continue to get stomped on. But's once again... it's not optional.
Faithfulness. This one should need no explanation. Are we faithful in the good and bad, on the mountain top and in the valley?
Gentleness is the one that I am working hard on at this time. My son is at a very crucial point in his life and the world around him is hard. He doesn't need me to beat him down... he needs to see gentleness. He needs to be shown grace. I know that there are many around us that need the same.
Self-control is probably one of the hardest for me. I am learning but I certainly haven't perfected this one and I probably won't ever perfect any of these. But I can strive DAILY to practice them. To make them evident in my life.
My question is...
Do others see Jesus in me?
Does my son see Jesus in me?
Does the church see Jesus in me?
Do the lost see Jesus in me?
And that's my question to you...
Do others see Jesus in you?
Now is not the time to back down or water our faith.
"Well, they don't act like a Christian." "I'm not looking for actors."
Have you seen that floating around social media? I have so much to say about that but in my opinion… it's not acting... it's a way of living and our lives should reflect the fruits.
Christians... we've got to do better.
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