I Have Been Keeping a Secret
I'm good at keeping secrets. I have secrets that have been kept in a lockbox for over twenty years. These secrets were spoken to me in trust and trust is something that I value. I want to be a person that others trust.
Don't come to me with the latest gossip or to hear the latest gossip...
The truth is... I don't have a secret to share with you.
I have learned that your life doesn't have to be broadcasted for the world to see. I share but I don't share it all. Not everyone is for you.
There are some things that need to be protected. There are some things that are absolutely no ones business.
It's not a secret. It's just not your business.
Growing up there were things that we did not talk about. One was money. I had no clue how much money my dad made. It was none of my business and certainly wasn't anyone elses business.
For years, my son would ask how much I made or how much certain things cost. I told him and still tell him to this day... we could be broke and you'd never know it. We could be rich... and you'd never know it.
Social media has given us a platform to share anything and everything...
What we are eating...
Where we are going...
Who with are with...
Our latest love...
Our newest purchase...
Heck, when we go to the bathroom...
But not everything has be shared... or needs to be shared...
So what's my secret... I don't have one...
I live my life and share from the heart when I feel like it could encourage someone.
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