
As I reflect on this Christmas day, I think back on Christmas past.  I think about growing up and still believing in Santa.  I even think my brothers had me believing in Santa until High School.  They certainly pulled every stunt in the book.  One year Santa left me a letter with Rudolph's hair (our English bulldog was missing a chunk of hair the next day) and also some hair from his beard (my Patty the Playpal was also missing a chunk of hair the next day).  Up until this year, I still got presents from Santa.  This was my first Christmas in 32 years that I never got a present from Santa.  This is also the first Christmas that my little boy wasn't able to give me a gift because "My Santa" always wrapped something for him to give me.  I realized today just how much "My Santa" loved the Christmas season.  His heart was the most giving heart.  He loved to bring joy to others.  I didn't have "My Santa" this year but my five year old reminded me that he was watching us from Heaven.  I know this Christmas was my dad's best Christmas ever.  It may not have ranked up there as the best Christmas for me as my little boy had the flu but it will be a Christmas I will never forget.  Since we weren't able to go to any family gatherings, we truly celebrated the birth of Jesus. 

I love the memories that are made during the Christmas season.  When my brother and I were younger, we would find items around the house and wrap them up for each other. If my memory serves me correctly, I believe my brother Beck wrapped up my own TV and gave it to me for Christmas.  I'm most certain those gifts brought more laughter and joy than the monetary gifts  we would receive.  I remember my favorite gift from my oldest brother.  It was a Mickey Mouse chalkboard and I'd put money on it that my mother still has it in a storeroom because she knew how much it meant to me.  One year as my brother Beck and I were opening presents at my mom and dad's house, I thought I smelled something burning.  We quickly stopped everything that we were doing to find where the source was coming from.  My brother had left his new fleece jacket on a candle.  And I could write a book on the presents my mom would get us.  They were always great gifts but you never knew what Christmas she actually bought it for or even what holiday it was from.  It may have not even been your gift.  Our family always makes the best memories when we are together.  I hope and pray that you were able to make memories with your loved ones.  As I drove around town tonight, I saw Christmas trees lights beaming through the windows and families gathered around.  This truly is the most Wonderful Time of Year!
