
Most people would make a wise decision and stay away from anyone that was contagious.  But what if they had something you wanted?

During the flu season, doctor's offices typically have a sign that states:  if you have any flu like symptoms, please take and wear this mask provided for you.  It is to cover your mouth from the spreading of germs that you possibly may have.  They don't want others to "catch" whatever it is that's causing you to feel ill. 

There are people in life that we encounter, probably on a daily basis, that we would like to cover their mouth with one of these mask or even put duct tape over.  We would like to provide them with one of these to keep them from spreading the filth that spews from their mouth or the negativity that is spoken every time you try to have a conversation with them.  The "germs" that are emitted as soon as they begin to speak can be deadly.  It's like poison.  Are you that person everyone tries to avoid because gloom and doom pours from your mouth every time you open it.  Nothing good ever comes when they hear you speak.  Sayings like, "if it weren't for luck, I'd have no luck at all" or "if something bad is going to happen, it's going to happen to me".  This is not healthy.  This is not what we should be spreading over the lives of others or ourselves.  You can literally feel the life being sucked out of you. 

Signs you should look to avoid are as follows but not limited to:  negativity, gloom and doom, always talking about others, never smiles, places blame on other people, lazy, judgmental towards others, demeaning, drains you, dramatic...side effects could possibly lead to death.  Perhaps not literally, but to the point the very life has been drained from you. 

Symptoms you should want to "catch" from others:  always smiling, positive attitude, encouraging to others, better environment when around this person,  good self-esteem, increased faith, inspiring, goal oriented, willingness to see the best in others, optimistic, generous, and the list goes on.  But you get my point.  Side effects could lead you to a healthier life, a life full of joy and laughter. 

Surround yourself with people you want to become or with people you want your child to become.  Become "that" person that when others look at you they say "I want what they have." 

I recently had a conversation with a friend of mine about acting like those we spend the most time with.  We start walking like them. Talking like them.  Every thing we do reflects our surroundings and it's something that doesn't take long to see. 

Are you contagious?  If so, would someone want to "catch" what you have?  Is your life worth spreading around to others?
1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived:  "Bad company ruins good morals."
Proverbs 22:24-25  "Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn their ways and get yourself endangered."
