I Won the Lottery

Well... Not really. But this is a discussion my oldest brother and I had the other day.  His initial response was what he would buy me. not himself.  Which led us to a lengthier discussion about what could be done. We talked about random acts of kindness and it wouldn't be just buying the next persons food in line at Chick Fil A or Starbucks.  But how we could truly bless someone's socks off! Slinging tips left and right.  Trading in their ole ragged vehicle for a newer one.  Later that day, my mom and I discussed the same thing.

But my question is this... Why don't we do that now? I'm not to the point where I can tip someone $1,000 but I can be a blessing. I can do for others.  I can give what I have. Why do we have to have a million dollars before we start to think about doing things that would rock someone's world? We all have the ability to do something random for someone within our means. We don't have to be living on the mountain top to help others. His word tells us to use what we have...

I was sharing with Beck a few months back about my house being too small for a Bible study. He told me not to focus on what I don't have but what I do have. He said God would see my efforts and reward me. He would see my intentions and provide any need that needed to be met. From that point forward, I looked at a lot of things from a different perspective.

Use what you have now... Don't wait until things are what they should be in your mind... Why would God bless us with more if we don't even use what we have now? We all have the means to help others... In someone else's eyes... You are rich! Don't take for granted the blessings you have... Be a blessing... Do for others... You just may be the "lotto" they needed in life! What will you do today to be a blessing? Don't stop short...
