I Missed One Of The Biggest Days Ever

Have you ever allowed the way someone made you feel affect your decisions?  Being the mom and dad - the man and woman of the house for the past several years has had its ups and downs. The downs revolved around things I may have needed a mans help with.  Such as lifting heavy objects... Fixing my plumbing or my air conditioning unit... There have been a few occasions where my frustration brought me to tears... There have also been times where my anger made me "she woman".  I don't typically ask for help... Where there is a will, there is a way and I would say I am very strong-willed... But there are times I have needed it.

There is one time that I let my strong will... my pride... get in the way of what I knew I should have done.  My little boy had gotten a basketball goal for Christmas and we were approaching his birthday. Which means he hadn't been able to use his goal for nearly 3 months. Frustrated was an understatement. I finally asked for help. I asked my brother and his friend if they would help me assemble the goal. They both said yes ... I was excited my little boy was finally going to get to use his Christmas present... 3 months later.

Well the day we had planned on putting the goal up, my brother told me that he wasn't going to do a single thing that day. We were at a party at Skatetown. I immediately went to the bathroom because my spirits were crushed. I was hurt and I was mad that my little boy didn't have anyone to put his goal up.  And for once, this was a task little Laurie couldn't complete no matter how strong of a will I had at the time.

So what did I do... I took my little 5 year old and left the party in tears. I came home and I cried... I spoke with someone that night and they told me "Laurie, whatever you do, do not miss church. No matter where you attend, do not miss." I then cried myself to sleep.

And guess what? I missed church. I woke up... Got on Facebook and the first thing I saw was my brother being name lead pastor of Family Church!! Wow!!! The enemy had won! He knew what was coming... I gave in and allowed the enemies thoughts to fill my mind when I knew better! I missed the biggest day of my brother's life!!! I was furious!!! I was angry! I was hurt... But this time it was because of my actions! I cried again... Tears fell all day long as I watched my brother and his wife humbly stand in front of a congregation that they would soon lead... Without their his sister in the crowd. Pride won! The enemy won! My brothers biggest fan was not there. To this day... I still tear up!

Little did I know the reason my brother couldn't help was because he had just found out what was going to take place.  It wasn't that he didn't want to help... But that's not what I told myself. It wasn't that he didn't care.  But that's not what went through my mind.  It's not that he didn't love my little boy.  But that's not what the enemy told me.

We need to stop over analyzing every situation and always thinking the worse. As if the world is against us. You never know, truly never know, what someone is walking through each and every day. My brother was about to experience the best day of his life... And I was mad and hurt over a basketball goal!! Well... The basketball goal is up... But I will never get to relive that day... I have not missed a Sunday since that day... And I will never allow my pride to get the best of me. Hard lesson was learned... But thankful that I am now able to see things a little more clearly as I live each and every day. Why people act certain ways... I now try not to take it personal. Live and learn!
