Can You Hear That?

Be still for a minute. Step outside and sit. Be quiet. Listen.  Do you hear it? The sounds we so often do not hear because we never stop long enough to open our ears.  They are always there if only we slowed down for a bit. 

The weather has been that of fall lately.  Leaves falling, or dying. The cracking noise you hear when you step on them as you walk your pig. (or dog for those that aren't normal) The wind blowing a little hard and cooler.  The wind chimes make noise that remind me of the good ole days.  The days where everyone would gather on the porch to enjoy the fresh air and friendly conversation.  The days when things moved a little slower.  

When we lived in the country, one of my favorite things to do was sit on the porch that over looked the river.  Sounds are so much different in the country. They are louder.  The stars are brighter. Life isn't fast paced.  There isn't much internet service or cable to glue our eyes to while the sun is brightly shining or the stars twinkling.  When is the last time you went outside to just sit? Maybe alone.  Where you still? Could you hear all the sounds that God placed specially around you? Or are we just too busy to hear the small sounds. Sounds of life.  Even the sounds of the cars driving by. Horns blowing. Sirens screaming. Do you block it all out or can you hear it? 

I very seldom just go and sit outside. But lately I have found myself just sitting.  I sit.  I listen. I look. The sounds I have blocked from my mind haven't gone anywhere. They have been here all along but I just wouldn't slow down. Or maybe I took my hearing for granted.  There is beauty all around us if we will just SLOW down. Stop for a minute. Take the time to settle down. 

As the weather cools down.  As fall approaches.  As the leaves fall. Step outside.  Shut "life" off and sit.  Can you hear it? 
