L O V E ❤️


What is love? Webster defines love as a noun, as an intense feeling of deep affection. The verb love is defined as:  to feel a deep romantic attachment to someone. 

I know I have written a blog about love before but I felt the need to write another. 

 Everyone longs to be loved in some form or fashion.  Most of us grow up with loving parents that nurture us from day one.  That love continues through adulthood and then it trickles down to our kids and maybe their kids.  Love is what makes the world go round.  Love binds us together.  Love keeps us going.  Love can make us do crazy things.  We fight for those we love.  We stand up for those we love.  We are there for those we love.  But what happens when those we love let us down?  Does that stop them from loving us or us from loving them?  Can we turn our hearts off and say, "I just don't love you anymore?"  

Love is a word that is so loosely thrown around. I see it all over kids social media.  I don't know if parents talk about love and the true meaning of love or if they pay no attention to what their kids say on the Internet.  Kids in elementary school are "dating" and telling each other how much they love one another.  Do they even know what "love" is?  Will it mean anything to them when someone actually "loves" them or will it be overlooked because they have a warped mind regarding love. 

I catch myself using the word love when it comes to food. I hear the word love come out of my mouth when I talk about Blue Bell mint chocolate chip ice-cream.  Now tell me that's not something to have deep attachment to!! More like it attaches to us and never lets go! But honestly, I don't love it.  I do have a craving for it.  I do REALLY REALLY like it.  But I don't love it.  

Often times our friends will tell us they love us or our family will tell us they love us and in return, we reaffirm that we love them back.  But do we really? Is it conditional love? We love as long as... or is it unconditional love. We love regardless or someone loves us in return regardless.  What about those who "fall out of love?"  Can you really "fall out of love" or was is just infatuation? Can you love someone two weeks after meeting them? Do you know the ins and outs about that person? Can you love them once you do learn about their good and bad qualities? We all have them.  Or does our love seem to fade the more we learn about someone? 

Love is a four letter word that can completely change our lives.  Love from a mother. The love of a father.  The love of a child.  The love of a grandchild.  The love of a friend.  The love of a sibling.  The love of a grand parent. Love is the most powerful "feeling" in the world.  Love gave us life.  Love allows us to walk in freedom and joy.  To love is to live and to live is to love. 

Remember that there is no greater love than to lay down your life for another.  That's what the ONE who loved us from the beginning of time did for us.  He loved so that we could live! 
