You Are Dying?

You've heard the saying, "live like you are dying."  Well, what if we lived like someone else was dying?  Maybe someone we love or even someone we aren't that fond of.  It happens daily.  But what if we knew someone around us was dying at any given moment.  I guess that is the case if you think about it.  We don't know the time, hour or minute that God will call someone home.  But what if we all walked around with a time and date stamped on us that gave us the actual moment we would pass from this earth into eternity.  I know that we would each live completely different.  But how would we treat someone else if we knew their time was near?

I know for a fact I would live a different life.  I know I would treat someone else differently if I knew their time was soon. When my dad was in his final days, we all knew. We shared fun ️memories.  We shared our hearts.  We didn't talk of anything negative.  He didn't judge me or my decisions but he told me just how proud he was of his little girl.  I was able to tell him how great of a dad he was to me and how he raised me to be everything I could ever dream of becoming.  He thought he failed as a dad but I let him know that he never failed us.  

If I told you all that I had a terminal diagnosis, would you treat me the same as you do now?  Maybe you have unforgiveness in your heart against me.  Would you forgive me? Would you let go of any anger you have towards me? Would you share more of your heart with me or perhaps see the good in me instead of all the bad? Maybe it's not me you have bitterness towards but someone else.  You may have buried deep within you, feelings that need to come to surface.  Maybe if you thought about that person having only a few days left on this earth, you would do something about your hidden feelings you have pushed aside for so many years.  Maybe you could finally walk in freedom instead of walking around in chains that keep you from living life to the fullest.  

Just maybe you would open up to someone that you have been holding back from for so long.  Perhaps you want to tell someone you love them or that you are proud of them.  Maybe you do want them to know that you forgive them for any pain that they have caused you.  You could actually be the person that has caused so much heartache in someone else's life.  Would you want to let them know you are sorry?  Have you been hurt and haven't let go? Think! I bet someone comes to mind.  

It's all over social media, daily.  Someone is diagnosed with cancer.  Someone is fighting for their life in the hospital.  Another loved one has passed. Every single day.  It is devastating but at the same time, it is an eye opener.  Why are we so hard on those around us?  Why can't we let go of our past or theirs? Why do we hold on for so long until we forgive another?  Why does our heart change when we find out tragic news about others? Why can't we live in love as if we know the last day we will breathe our last breath? 

Life would be so different if we all knew our final day.  Why can't we live as if we are dying or someone close to us is dying? Because reality is, life happens.  Let's live life in love.  Let's forgive.  Let's believe in others.  Let's share our heart and encourage others around us.  It's time to change the way we treat others.  

Next time you see someone and you want to show your true feelings, why not take a step back and think how you would act if you knew today would be their last day. 
