Life or Death

Life or Death 

It is amazing how the tongue can speak life or death. It can speak healing or destruction. It can encourage or tear down. It can speak love or hate. It can praise God in one breath then it can vomit hate in the next. 

You may be positive Patty or negative Nelly.  We all know someone who always sees the glass as half full while the other one sees it as half empty.  One person sees good in everyone while the other sees only the bad.  Some see someone's past while others see their possibilities.  Which person are you?

 I don't like to admit it but I am so guilty of the "glass half empty" mentality.  I do not like to be that way but I saw it too often so it became a part of me.  I will catch myself speaking negativity over something before it ever happens but I realize just how important positive words are in your life.  My dad always had a positive word for me regardless of where I was at in my life. He would build me up.  He would remind me of everything that I could become and of all my talents.  He did the same to my little boy. Over and over and over.  

I do find myself saying words over and over just like my dad did to my son.  My little boy is so young and needs words of affirmation. He needs to be praised.  He needs to know that he is capable of anything he puts his mind to.  I look into his big, brown eyes and see just how much he needs life spoken over him in every aspect of his life.  Whether people realize it or not, words that they speak are powerful.  Words they speak behind someone's back.  Words they to others asking for prayer when actually they are gossiping. Why can't we realize the power of the tongue? 

I don't care how old you are, you need someone to speak life into you and over you.  You need someone to do the same for your kids. Surround yourself with those that will uplift you.  Do not let negative Nelly suck the life out of you.  Allow positive Patty to speak life.  I encourage you to evaluate yourself and place yourself in one of those categories: negative or positive.  Get away from the negative and watch the unnecessary stress disappear from your life. When someone does speak life, thank them. When someone encourages you, let them know just how much it means to you.  Words matter.  
