How Christian Are You?

This was not going to be my post for today.  I am not going to try and be fancy with my words and pretend I am some eloquent writer because I know I am not.  But I want to be real.  I want to be me and try my best to let my heart speak.  I know the title of this post may seem a little crazy or a strange question at that.  Can you really rate Christianity? 

Last night, Michael Lewis of Family Church in West Monroe, LA shared with us a story about a mother.  A mother who lost two of her sons.  They were killed and when asked, "What would you tell the Muslims who killed your sons?"  Her response gave me eyes to see and ears to hear.  She said, "I would invite them into my home to drink tea and tell them about the God that forgives them?"  What??? Hello God! I hear you.  I am sure she was hurt and broken beyond belief.  I'm sure that anger was a very strong feeling at some point or perhaps it wasn't.  For me, those words would have never ever crossed my mind.  I would be filled with anger.  Which is normal.  We are human.  But at what point can we truly begin seeing things from an eternal perspective.  I know that this is rare.  I know that this isn't something that happens to those around us daily.  But let's try and put it to use regarding situations that do happen to us and those around us.

How many times do you use the word karma?  Or what about the saying and scripture, you reap what you sow?  I've also heard the saying, "She/He will sleep in the bed they made."  Maybe, what comes around goes around.  I'm sure you've heard those or even said them before. 

I am not one to believe in karma.  I may have in my past and more than likely used the word karma or the sweet little saying about karma that I won't mention on here.  (insert sarcasm-it's nothing sweet) Now, I am very aware of the scripture that states you will reap what you sow.  But what about the time someone did you wrong or did someone you love wrong?  Maybe they didn't do wrong to you but you feel as if you should have an input and you talk about karma.  You say things like "They'll get what's coming to them." And you don't even have a dog in the fight.

Recently I was talking to a friend of mine about a certain situation.  I never used the word karma but I did mention that this person would reap what they sow.  It's scripture, right?  Basically I was saying that the evil intentions of this person would come back to haunt them.  But what I was saying wasn't out of love.  You sow good, you reap good.  You sow bad, you reap bad.  But I was in the wrong.  I believe in scripture. I believe His word to be true but my heart wasn't sincere.  My heart wanted to see this person reap from their evil motives.  (I told y'all I was going to be real) Right before I got off the phone with this friend, I told her I was about to go into church because I needed some (or a whole lotta) Jesus. That's when I felt it.  God was already stirring in my spirit and convicting me.

It was later that evening, during church, that I heard God speak to me.  Love them Laurie.  Pray for them Laurie.  Let me handle the situation, not you.  Quit using scripture against them and be sincere when using the word Christian.  So I know that the question, "How Christian are you?" isn't a legit question but it's one to think about.  If you could rate yourself today, on a scale of 1-10, what would you rate?  Be honest with yourself.  Would you be able to handle a situation like the mother did in the story above?  Better yet, how do you handle yourself in situations now?

I personally have a lot to work on...but I press on...
