Christmas Is...

Christmas many things.  It truly is the most wonderful time of the year.  It just goes by entirely too fast.  I want to do so much but yet I don't want to do anything at all except sit in my living room while the glow from my Christmas tree lights up the room as I enjoy a silent night.  I want to drink hot cocoa by the fire as I watch Christmas movies on Hallmark.  I want to see every Christmas light that has been strung across the country [literally].  I think maybe, just maybe, we should extend Christmas a little bit longer.  So the hustle and bustle doesn't interfere with the true meaning and magic of Christmas.   

Christmas time was the best when I was a little girl and even as I grew into a teenager and an adult.  While I lived at home, we made some wonderful memories that I will never forget. 

For instance, Santa Clause.  I believed in him until I was a teenager.  I'm not joking.  My older brothers would always come up with something to make denying him absurd.  One year, Santa wrote me a note and left some of his beard (aka Patty Play Pal's hair) and some of Rudolph's hair (aka our English bulldogs hair).  But they had the ability to flat out lie to me and make me believe I was insane for not believing in Santa.  But, I now know why they did it.  For one, they wanted to pester their little sister.  Second, it's fun watching the innocence of a child who still believes.  So Christmas is believing! It's making memories that will last forever.  Elf on the a blast.  I love to watch my son walk around the house to search for his two elves.  It saddens me to think that one day, his innocence won't be quite the same.

Christmas is magical.  It can't be summed up in words because it's an experience.  It's a feeling that comes once a year.  People are more joyful.  Typically everyone is a little nicer.  You'll notice that giving is at an all time high around Christmas.  Spirits are lifted when Christmas songs are heard.  And everywhere you go, you more than likely will be left with two words, "Merry Christmas!"  Towns light up with Christmas lights and evenings are filled with Christmas plays.  Laughter is heard and hearts are filled with the "magic" surrounding this holiday.

Christmas is about traditions.  It's about making cookies.  Making messes.  Eating ice-cream in the snow.  Watching "It's a Wonderful Life" as the Christmas season begins.  Attending parties year after year with friends, families and co-workers.  Reading from Luke Chapter 2 on Christmas morning.  Watching the sky light up in the City of Lights.  Riding around looking at houses that dance to Christmas music.  It's creating memories that will last forever.  


Christmas is also hard.  It's a difficult season for so many because the void becomes greater as Christmas approaches.  Christmas cards aren't complete because a loved one is not with us.  Seats are empty around the table due to circumstances that are beyond our control.  Smiles may be forced because heartache is so real.  Traditions may cease because someone is no longer with us to carry those on from year to year.  It's a joyful time of year but yet it's a season that reminds us of the reality around us.  The reality that our lives might not reflect our "Christmas miracle."  But when you look around you, the blessings, the true joy, those that are here to celebrate Christmas with truly is a wonderful life.  Christmas is so much more...Christmas is believing, magical, about traditions but most of all Christmas should be about Christ.  The one who came to give us life. 

What is Christmas to you?  What are some traditions around your house during Christmas?   
