Focus - Unplug

It's hard to stay focused these days.  The world at our fingertips.  Be here.  Be there.  Do this.  Do that.  But first, snap a picture so that we can make sure everyone knows where we were and what we were doing.  How much fun was had.  How happy we are.  How happy our kids are.  How cute our pets are.  Been there, done that, got the t-shirt and the social media post to prove it.

Literally, we can do it all from this small, little hand-held device that seldom leaves us for any prolonged period of time.   Do you remember that little doll, "My Buddy?"  I never had one but I bet it could be compared to phones for adults, even kids, these days.  The commercial for the "My Buddy" doll even had a catchy little tune that went something like this:  "My buddy, my buddy, wherever I go, he goes."  It's the truth.  Our phones go with us everywhere.  To dinner.  To the bathroom.  To bed.  To church.  To ball games.  To weddings.  To funerals.  To work.  Outside.  Inside.  Not many places it doesn't go.  It captures every single moment of our lives.  AND it disrupts every single moment of our lives.

I am guilty of this. As many of you know that are reading this, probably already had that thought cross your mind.  Who is she to judge?  Perhaps that's why I felt led to write a blog about this particular topic.  Because I live it and I see it daily.  I see how much time I spend on social media doing absolutely nothing but scrolling through picture after picture, post after post, buy from me, etc.  Countless hours that do nothing to enhance my life.  It takes away from my time with my little boy.  It takes away from the actual moment.  I love to capture the life of my little boy as he grows up before my eyes but it takes away from the experience.  Sometimes we just need to be.  Be there.  Soaking in the every day moments that will one day, too soon, become memories. 

Our phones did not sit with us at the dinner table as we were growing up.  As a matter of fact, we couldn't even get up to answer the phone if it rang while we were eating dinner as a family.  Priorities.  Our time together mattered.  We talked to each other.  We made fun of each other. (It's also the reason I have such thick skin!)  We didn't communicate via text but face to face.  My best and favorite memories happened around the dinner table.  Actually, those are still my favorite times spent with my family and friends, around the dinner table.  It's as if we let our guard down. We forget about the world that may be falling apart around us.  We discuss the day.  The good and the bad.  We laugh.  We pray.  We talk.  We are there in the moment.  Focused.

So why is it so hard to unplug?  Why can't we forget about the rest of the world and enjoy what is right before us?  Why do we have to let everyone know about our every move?  Maybe that's why friendships fall apart.  Maybe that's why families aren't as close as they once were.  Perhaps marriages are on the brink because we simply can't unplug.  Kids don't know how to use their imagination because they are constantly staring at an i-pad.   We aren't as engaged at work because we are constantly on our phones.  It's the first thing we look at in the morning and the last thing we look at before we go to bed.

I challenge you over the next day or so to pay attention to the amount of time you spend on your phone.  Delete certain apps that are your "go to."  Focus on what is important in your life.  Make family a priority.  Show your kids that their time is far more important than your electronic devices.  Our time on earth is short, use it wisely.    Cease the moment.
