Why #22

It grips my heart. Tears have already flooded my eyes as I write this post. I don't know if it's possible to put into words what the #22 means to me and my family. It can bring such heartache and great joy simultaneously. But can I share a piece of my heart with you today? A glimpse into my world when I see the #22?

This number is a number that goes back at least 4 generations that I am aware of.  It's not just a number my brother wore or my dad wore. Kendall (my son) doesn't wear the #22 because his uncle, who happen to be an incredible athlete, wore it. My granddad and namesake, Howard Devone Payne, wore the #22.  My dad, Robert Charles Payne, wore the #22.  My brother, Andrew Beck Payne wore the #22. My son, Kendall Beck, wears the #22 and has worn it since his little legs could run for touchdowns at the age of 4.  My nieces, Gracen and Addelyn, wear the #22. But it doesn't stop there.

My mom and dad were married on September 22nd.  #22 represents life.  My brother, Beck, was born on January 22nd.  My dad had two nieces born on the 22nd and recently my cousin had twins on the 22nd. 

The last and most impactful day was June 22, 2013. The day my dad breathed his last breath. I believe he knew the date.  It was the last gift my dad gave us.  He was told early that morning that his kids were good and it was okay to let go.  So maybe it was his final goodbye...see you later to us all.

So much history behind two digits. When I see that number, I smile. I see my dad smiling down at his wife, kids and grandkids. It will appear at the most random places.  

One year, after my dad passed, I was sitting on the beach and out of nowhere a sailboat appeared... with a bold #22 on the sail. I believed I cried and smiled at the same time. 

This number carries a great legacy from incredible men.  I explain to Kendall that the number he wears must be worn with pride.  He must give it his all if he wears this number.  He knows what it represents.  I share with others what it represents so that we can keep my dad alive through the years.  

So when you see the #22, let it remind you to live life to the fullest! Make every single minute count.  Remember my dad and the life that he lived! 

Thank you to those who think about us when you see the #22.  To those that send me pictures of the #22, I couldn't ever tell you in words what they mean to me! Forever and always my favorite number! #22 will always live!
