What Took Place On The Bleachers

June 11, 2015 I got a random Facebook message.  It was from a girl I went to school with MANY years ago.  It brought me to tears.  I'm talking UGLY CRY!  But, I do believe that message changed my life.  I saved that message and go back to read it from time to time.  It's pretty powerful.

"I hope this message doesn't make me sound crazy.  I've put off sending it to you for a long time.  In Junior High, I was extremely insecure and timid.  I felt inferior to so many people.  You were in my P.E. class along with some of the other "popular" girls.  You were always so kind to me  You weren't embarrassed to sit on the bench with me...to be my friend.  It's something I never forgot.  Something that seems so small made a difference to a little preteen girl.  Those were hard years for me.  Even on into High School.  I had a lot of self hate and insecurity which led to phases of the wrong crowd just to feel like I fit in somewhere.  YOU were always kind to me.  And through the years, I've thought about you often.  I've prayed for you along the way.  

I don't know God's reasoning behind it all.  I can't say your kindness saved me or changed me but I also can't say it didn't.  Only God knows.  God placed you there all those years ago for a reason and I've carried it with me all these years and from time to time, I will remember sitting in gym class, an insecure little girl that wanted to be noticed...and you... a popular well liked girl, became my P.E. friend for a few months.  So I guess what I really want to say is... thank you."

Insert the ugly cry.  WOW.  

The things is... I don't remember much about Junior High.  I don't remember a thing about P.E. class.  I don't remember sitting on the bleachers.  I don't remember talking to her... but she does.

I wish I could remember that day but I'm so thankful she did.  I'm forever grateful that she shared this story with me because it's an example of how one small act of kindness can impact someone forever.  And the things is... we may NEVER know the impact that one small act could have on someone's life.  

This insecure little girl has kept up with me over the years.  She has prayed for me.  She has encouraged me.  She has been a blessing to me.

She is now a wife and mom.  She has a beautiful family.  She has a beautiful home and she is a beautiful hair stylist.  But the most beautiful thing about her is her heart! 


People can be cruel.  After reading this message she sent me I thought:

 #1 What happened to the girl I once was when I was younger?  My dad always taught me that you treat all people the same.  It didn't matter if you were the janitor or the President.  No one is more important than anyone else. NO ONE.

#2 What a powerful message of kindness.  I cry every time I read this message.  I wish I would have known how she felt because now, as a mom, I can't imagine my little girl feeling those thoughts.  Insecurity.  Self hate.  Feeling like she had no where to fit in.  I just want to hug that little girl and tell her that it's going to be okay and that she's going to go further than she ever imagined.

 #3 We could all learn from this.  Adults and kids.  It's simple.  It's not hard but somehow we find it easier to belittle one another instead of love one another.

Let this be a reminder to ALWAYS be kind.  ALWAYS look for those that are alone.  ALWAYS treat people the way you want to be treated. 

Parents... teach your kid(s) to find ONE person to reach out to EVERY SINGLE DAY.  And parents...do the same!  

That day wasn't about what took place UNDER the bleachers but what took place ON the bleachers.

Maybe that's what this world needs a little more of... bleacher friends! 

"Kindness goes a long way in life...and your kindness stuck with me."

**You can check out my P.E friend turned prayer warrior friend @ Amber Lowery Hair Artist**
